I am trying to use Jenkins-CI to auto-build an iOS project that uses Restkit, apparently, restkit resides as a project inside the main project. And the project builds succes
I have exactly same problem. My solution:
firstly you have build RestKit. After than, you can build your project.
If you run script from you project's top directory and restkit is in RestKit folder:
xcodebuild -project RestKit/RestKit.xcodeproj -target RestKit -sdk iphonesimulator -configuration Debug clean build
Then you can build you project.
If this isn't enought, add to "Header search paths" this two :
And beware, you have to add this to all targets
I don't think am answering this question, but a proper workaround this would be making use of XCode Schemes. Also one should mark the particular scheme as Shared.
These links can serve helpful
I guess your problem is the same as "Xcodebuild'ing a workspace and setting a custom build path". Set the SYSROOT with absolute path, default is relative path.