I have searched for this and expected to find hundreds of solutions yet found none !
I would like to read the STDOUT stream and wait for a specific string to appear,
You can pipe into grep
to do the matching and have it exit when it encounters a match. That will also exit the program producing the output.
if mycommand | grep something -q; then
The above will quit if anything matches (-q
), but not display the result. If you want to see the output, you can quit on the first match (using -m1
RESP=$(mycommand | grep something -m1)
Read the man-pages for grep
for more information.
If you don't want to cancel the program producing the output, you could try writing it to file in the background, then tail
that file:
mycommand > output &
if tail -f output | grep something -q; then
From this unix.stackexchange answer I got following solution:
cmd_which_streams_new_lines \
| while read -r line; do
# process your line here
echo "${line}"
# when you're done, break the loop (be prepared for messy stderr)