Scrape text from a website using Excel VBA

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悲哀的现实 2021-01-14 05:01

I found this article explaining how to scrape certain tags from a website using Excel VBA.

The code below gets the content from the first


  • 2021-01-14 05:54

    You're almost there! doc.GetElementsByTagName("p") returns a collection of HTMLParagraphElement objects of which you accessed the first entry using doc.GetElementsByTagName("p")(0). As you allude to, a For Each loop would let you access each in turn:

    Sub get_title_header()
    Dim wb As Object
    Dim doc As Object
    Dim sURL As String
    Dim lastrow As Long
    Dim i As Integer
    lastrow = Sheet1.Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
    For i = 2 To lastrow
    Set wb = CreateObject("internetExplorer.Application")
    sURL = Cells(i, 1)
    wb.navigate sURL
    wb.Visible = True
    While wb.Busy
    'HTML document
    Set doc = wb.document
    Cells(i, 2) = doc.Title
    On Error GoTo err_clear
    Dim el As Object
    For Each el In doc.GetElementsByTagName("p")
        Cells(i, 3).Value = Cells(i, 3).Value & ", " & el.innerText
    Next el
    If Err <> 0 Then
    Resume Next
    End If
    Range(Cells(i, 1), Cells(i, 3)).Columns.AutoFit
    Next i
    End Sub
    0 讨论(0)
  • 2021-01-14 05:55

    If you just need to get the content of the webpage in plain text this code is more concise

    Function WEBSITE_TEXT(Destination As String) As String
    ' Requires a reference to Microsoft XML, v6.0
    ' Draws on the stackoverflow answer at
    Dim myRequest As XMLHTTP60
    Dim myDomDoc As DOMDocument60
        ' Check and clean inputs
        On Error GoTo exitRoute
        If Destination = "" Then
          WEBSITE_TEXT = ""
         Exit Function
        End If
        ' Read the XML data from the Google Maps API
        Set myRequest = New XMLHTTP60
        myRequest.Open "GET", Destination, False
        ' Parse HTML content
        Dim html As New HTMLDocument
        Dim text As String
        html.body.innerHTML = myRequest.responseText
        ' Return the website content
        text = html.body.innerText
        If Not html Is Nothing Then WEBSITE_TEXT = text
        ' Tidy up
        text = ""
        Set myRequest = Nothing
    End Function
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