I\'ve written a simple garbage collector for a Postscript virtual machine, and I\'m having difficulty designing a decent set of rules for when to do a collection (when the f
There are several applicable philosophies:
As a developer of garbage collection, it might be desirable to give the choice of strategy to the application since it might know which will be most effective. Of course, if it doesn't have a preference, you should choose a default.
Here is the periodic collection strategy incorporated into the original code:
enum { PERIOD = 10 };
unsigned gballoc(mfile *mem, unsigned sz) {
unsigned z = adrent(mem, FREE);
unsigned e;
static period = PERIOD;
memcpy(&e, mem->base+z, sizeof(e));
while (e) {
if (szent(mem,e) >= sz) {
memcpy(mem->base+z, mem->base+adrent(mem,e), sizeof(unsigned));
return e;
z = adrent(mem,e);
memcpy(&e, mem->base+z, sizeof(e));
if (--period == 0) {
period = PERIOD;
collect(mem, 0);
goto try_again;
return mtalloc(mem, 0, sz);