I need to have two way communication between threads in Tcl and all I can get is one way with parameters passing in as my only master->helper communication channel. Here is
Here is a small example that shows how two processes can communicate. First off the child process (save this as child.tcl):
gets stdin line
puts [string toupper $line]
and then the parent process that starts the child and comunicates with it:
set fd [open "| tclsh child.tcl" r+]
puts $fd "This is a test"
flush $fd
gets $fd line
puts $line
The parent uses the value returned by open to send and receive data to/from the child process; the r+ parameter to open opens the pipeline for both read and write.
The flush is required because of the buffering on the pipeline; it is possible to change this to line buffering using the fconfigure command.
Just one other point; looking at your code you aren't using threads here you are starting a child process. Tcl has a threading extension which does allow proper interthread communications.