Here is the input:
list_child_parent= [
#first value is child, second is parent
(0, 1),
(1, 3),
(8, 7),
(3, 6),
(4, 3),
(5, 3)
Not pretty and probably not Pythonic, but it should get you going:
#!/usr/bin/env python3
def make_map(list_child_parent):
has_parent = set()
all_items = {}
for child, parent in list_child_parent:
if parent not in all_items:
all_items[parent] = {}
if child not in all_items:
all_items[child] = {}
all_items[parent][child] = all_items[child]
result = {}
for key, value in all_items.items():
if key not in has_parent:
result[key] = value
return result
if __name__ == '__main__':
list_child_parent = [
#first value is child, second is parent
(0, 1),
(1, 3),
(8, 7),
(3, 6),
(4, 3),
(5, 3)
actual = make_map(list_child_parent)
expected = {
6: {
3: {
1: {
0: {}
4: {},
5: {}
7: {
8: {}
print('OK' if expected == actual else 'FAIL')
This code will convert a tree from the given format into a tree structured dictionary. It's a lot of fluf, but it helps to keep track of what is happening. Performance wise it's pretty good.
#first value is child, second is parent
(0, 1),
(1, 3),
(8, 7),
(3, 6),
(4, 3),
(5, 3)
class Node(object):
def __init__(self, value):
self.value = value
# List of references to Node()'s.
self.child = []
# Reference to parent Node()
self.parent = None
def set_parent(self, parent):
self.parent = parent
def set_child(self, child):
def get_a_root(items):
"""Find a root node from items.
Grab some node and follow the parent pointers to a root.
cur_key = list(items.keys())[0]
while items[cur_key].parent is not None:
cur_key = items[cur_key].parent.value
parent = items[cur_key]
return parent
def extract_tree(items, root):
"""Remove the tree from root in items.
cur_key = root.value
this_node = items[cur_key]
if len(this_node.child) == 0:
for child in this_node.child:
extract_tree(items, child)
def insert_from_root(tree, root):
"""Insert the dictionary items from a tree.
current = root
if len(current.child) == 0:
tree[current.value] = {}
table = {}
for child in current.child:
insert_from_root(table, child)
tree[current.value] = table
def build_graphs():
"""Map all input graphs into Node(object)'s.
Return: A hash table by value: Node(value, child, parent)
items = {}
for child, parent in LIST_CHILD_PARENTS:
if not child in items:
c_n = Node(child)
items[child] = c_n
c_n = items[child]
if not parent in items:
p_n = Node(parent)
items[parent] = p_n
p_n = items[parent]
return items
def run_dict_builder():
"""Map the graphs from input and map into a dict.
1- Map all graphs from input trees: list(tuple)
2- For each root node:
2A - Get a root node.
2B - Extract tree under this root from graphs list.
2C - Insert the tree from this root into dict.
3- Return the Dictionary Tree structure.
graphs = build_graphs()
h_table = {}
while len(graphs) > 0:
root = get_a_root(graphs)
extract_tree(graphs, root)
insert_from_root(h_table, root)
return h_table