I\'m new to rails and trying to get a demo app up and running. I\'ve been having problems on my linux system (lubuntu, mostly clean install) getting \"bundle install\" to r
I can confirm this is happening in a fresh rvm install of Linux Mint. I'm using gnome-terminal and I have applied the "Run command as login shell" workaround. I'm using ruby 1.9.3 and haven't done anything with gemsets. When I type 'gem list' I see all the rubies I've installed (the first hour I got rvm installed, I playing around installing some projects and it seemed to be in perfect working order).
It looks like adding
[[ -s "$HOME/.rvm/scripts/rvm" ]] && . "$HOME/.rvm/scripts/rvm"
to ~/.bashrc clears up the inconsistency problems. It's odd that it was working fine initially without it... And it should only be sourcing .bash_login in the first place...