I have recently transferred my domain name trademarklawexplained.com from One.com to AWS.
I have the following set-up in Route53:
For some reason, n
How long have you waited? DNS records have a TTL (Time To Live). DNS servers around the world will cache your domain records until the TTL expires. For example, in your screenshot the TTL for your Name Servers is 172800 seconds which is 48 hours. In general it takes two or three days for the Internet to start caching your new domain records, sometimes longer. If it has been more than a week, then there is a problem.
Figured it out in the end…
For a name server to be associated with a Route53 hosted zone, do the following:
When transferring a domain to AWS, it keeps the old NS record. Make sure to change it as per step 2.
Checking the records it is still pointing to old records.
You need to update the DNS servers with your domain registrar for it to take effect.
If the DNS servers are updated, you might need to wait for the TTL time defined with the previous registrar to expire. DNS servers can cache those records until that TTL time defined in those NS records.