With regards to designing your own view Controller by inserting a UINavigationBar into the scene, I have found many references to questions regarding how the frame height do
Just make a vertical spacing constraint between your button and the top layout guide. This can be done in IB by control dragging from the button to the bottom of the navigation bar. Very simple, no code necessary.
After Edit: If you add a stand alone navigation bar, you do need some code (as far as I know) to get the behavior you get automatically with a navigation controller. The way I did this is to add a navigation bar, and give it constraints to the sides of the superview, a vertical constraint to the top layout guide, and a fixed height of 44 points. I made an IBOutlet to this constraint (called heightCon in the code below). The button has a centerX constraint and a vertical spacing constraint to the navigation bar.
- (void)viewWillLayoutSubviews {
self.heightCon.constant = (self.view.bounds.size.height > self.view.bounds.size.width)? 44 : 32;