I\'m trying to install the webkit driver for capybara on Windows, and I\'m getting the following error:
$ gem install capybara-webkit-0.12.1.gem
I found a solution here : https://bugreports.qt-project.org/browse/QTBUG-27237
Following this specific workaround make it work on my computer.
It seems to be a bug specific to version 4.8.3, where rcc.exe path is not found correctly.
Also, you might encounter the same error as me after this: It turns out qmake compiled the webkit server into \capybara-webkit-0.12.1\src\release. And capybara-webkit builder expect to get this exe from the "debug" folder, see line 57 of capybara_webkit_builder.rb
I forked the git repository and change this source file to rely on "release" folder instead and it works!
Still, it took me 2 pretty bad workarounds to make it work... Maybe the installation is more straightforward using QT 4.7.X as recommended into the capybara-webkit installation procedure. I should test it.