I have an old enterprise application that was developed using WAS 6.1, now my company is trying to perform the implementation of that application in WAS 8. But I am having t
Make sure that you are using PARENT_LAST classloading.
Otherwise it will load its own JSF 2.0 libs first and your class doesn't match the interface. You should check though if you could update to MyFaces 2.0.
Quoting from WAS 8 infocenter, Configuring JavaServer Faces implementation
If you want to use a third-party JSF implementation that is not shipped with the product, then:
- Keep the configuration set to MyFaces.
- Add the third-party listener to the web.xml file that is required.
- Add the third-party implementation Java archive (JAR) files to the application as an isolated shared library and associate it with your application.
On the above referenced page you may find details on Creating shared libraries and Associating shared libraries with applications or modules.