I use the following function to estimate the time (in hours) to drive a certain distance, assuming an average speed of 65 km/h:
distHoras <- function(orig
I'm going to throw my own pacakge into the mix that also queries Google's API for you
(You need a valid Google API key to use it)
api_key <- "your_api_key_here"
google_distance(origins = "Paris",
destinations = "London",
key = api_key)
# $destination_addresses
# [1] "London, UK"
# $origin_addresses
# [1] "Paris, France"
# $rows
# elements
# 1 456 km, 456230, 5 hours 31 mins, 19858, 6 hours 12 mins, 22311, OK
# $status
# [1] "OK"
Are you looking for this :
from <- 'Paris'
to <- 'London'
from to m km miles seconds minutes hours
1 Paris London 454416 454.416 282.3741 18283 304.7167 5.078611
Compute map distances using Google Maps.
To answer your question, I think it is easier (even recommended) to use json version of google API than XML one.
Here a fast version using RJSONIO
. Even I recommend you to use the function above. No need to do any conversion since the result is already in hours.
distHoras <- function(origin, destinations){
origin <- gsub(",", "", origin)
origin <- gsub(" ", "+", origin)
origin <- paste("origins=", origin, sep = "")
destinations <- gsub(",", "", destinations)
destinations <- gsub(" ", "+", destinations)
destinations <- paste("destinations=", paste(destinations,
collapse = "|"), sep = "")
mode4url <- paste("mode=", 'driving', sep = "")
lang4url <- paste("language=", 'en-EN', sep = "")
sensor4url <- paste("sensor=", tolower(as.character(FALSE)),
sep = "")
posturl <- paste(origin, destinations, mode4url, sensor4url,
sep = "&")
url_string <- paste("http://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/distancematrix/json?",
posturl, sep = "")
url_string <- URLencode(url_string)
connect <- url(url_string)
tree <- fromJSON(paste(readLines(connect), collapse = ""))
Now you test it :
elements.distance.text elements.distance.value elements.duration.text
"454 km" "454416" "5 hours 5 mins"
elements.duration.value elements.status
"18283" "OK"