I want to cancel any links and add extra attributes to each one. Below is how I\'ve achieved this.
function anularEnlaces(){
$(\'nav a\').each(function()
Not like that. If you are using the HTML5 doctype you can use the new data-* attributes, and then use the jQuery data method:
$(this).data("hrefnot", href);
<a href="somewhere.html" data-hrefnot="something">A link</a>
If you don't need to store data on your tags initially, then it doesn't matter whether you use the HTML5 doctype or not (jQuery's data
method will still work).
No, you should use data() instead for custom element attributes, and attr() ( or better yet prop() ) for standard html attributes .
Example of data() usage :
<a hred="some/url" data-custom="value">test</a>
// getter
var customValue = $('a').data('custom');
var customUndefined = $('a').data('testing');
Now customValue contains "value" string, and customUndefined contains undefined
// setter
$('a').data('custom', 'test');
$('a').data('testing', true);
Valid if you are using HTML5, you can add your own custom data attributes data-
HTML5 Custom Data Attributes (data-*)
and you can use jQuery's $.data to read and modify them.