Yesterday I had a project working without problem with Xcode 5. Today, after the update to Xcode 5.1 i have 6 errors and the project is not compiling.
If you just miss x86_64 architecture (but you have arm64) and it's not possible to get library that includes x86_64 architecture, do the following:
Select app target's Build Settings, select Architectures, click on Other... and remove $(ARCHS_STANDARD) and add $(ARCHS_STANDARD_32_BIT)
Below is image for same
Its fix the issue for me.
In addition to Nikita's answer, you could change the parameter from "i386" to x86_64
to compile the library matching x86_64
architecture. Then the compiling errors will go away.
i think the paypal library you are using, does not support arm64.
check this PayPal-iOS-SDK issue-47 for the updated paypal library.
Edit :- update link for paypal library (with arm64 support)
I found this task to be difficult myself so I made a video explaining how to remove the arm64 from the valid architectures. Hope it helps!
Go to Targets -> Build Settings -> Linking -> Other Linker Flags Add -ObjC -l"PayPalMobile" -l"Pods-PayPal-iOS-SDK" -l"c++" -framework "AVFoundation" -framework "AudioToolbox" -framework "CoreLocation" -framework "CoreMedia" -framework "MessageUI" -framework "MobileCoreServices" -framework "SystemConfiguration"