did someone try to make custom scrollbars for jquery UI autocomplete widget? I\'m trying to use jScrollPane jquery component in combination with autocomplete widget, but so
DEMO: http://so.lucafilosofi.com/autocomplete-jquery-ui-plugin-with-custom-scrollbars
UPDATED: 22/09/2015 updated to all latest versions: jquery 1.11.3, jquery-ui 1.11.4, jScrollPane 2.0.22
open: function() {
if (undefined !== _jScrollPane) {
$('.ui-autocomplete > li')
.wrapAll($('<div class="scroll-panel"></div>')
_jScrollPane = $('.scroll-panel').jScrollPane(settings),
_jScrollPaneAPI = _jScrollPane.data('jsp');
close: function(event, ui) {
_jScrollPane = undefined;
Please refer to the demo source code for full working code... thanks.