I have a dataframe, one column is a URL, the other is a name. I\'m simply trying to add a third column that takes the URL, and creates an HTML link.
The column
With zip and string old school string format
df['sourceURL'] = ['<a href="%s.">%s.</a>' % (x,y) for x , y in zip (df['url'], df['source'])]
This is f-string
[f'<a href="{x}">{y}</a>' for x , y in zip ((df['url'], df['source'])]
pd.Series.apply has access only to a single series, i.e. the series on which you are calling the method. In other words, the function you supply, irrespective of whether it is named or an anonymous lambda
, will only have access to df['source']
To access multiple series by row, you need pd.DataFrame.apply along axis=1
def return_link(x):
return '<a href="{0}">{1}</a>'.format(x['url'], x['source'])
df['sourceURL'] = df.apply(return_link, axis=1)
Note there is an overhead associated with passing an entire series in this way; pd.DataFrame.apply
is just a thinly veiled, inefficient loop.
You may find a list comprehension more efficient:
df['sourceURL'] = ['<a href="{0}">{1}</a>'.format(i, j) \
for i, j in zip(df['url'], df['source'])]
Here's a working demo:
df = pd.DataFrame([['BBC', 'http://www.bbc.o.uk']],
columns=['source', 'url'])
def return_link(x):
return '<a href="{0}">{1}</a>'.format(x['url'], x['source'])
df['sourceURL'] = df.apply(return_link, axis=1)
source url sourceURL
0 BBC http://www.bbc.o.uk <a href="http://www.bbc.o.uk">BBC</a>