Magento Admin login kicks me out back to the Admin login

后端 未结 8 866
伪装坚强ぢ 2021-01-13 23:22

After I enter my username and password and click \"Login\" it sends me back to the Login page with NO error messages. The URL changes to include a session key and that\'s it

  • 2021-01-13 23:45

    Version I have been moving my magento store from on server to another one, and I had the same problem. Use phpamdin to edit your database on new server, search for web/cookie/cookie_domain in 'config path row', the value is probably your old domain name:, change that to your new domain name OR to your new IP address (new server). If you attend to use your old domain on new server environment you will probably want to set your story ready before you switch your name servers. That was the case for me, after I added my new server IP to web/cookie/cookie_domain instead of domain I was finally able to log into my magento backend.

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  • 2021-01-13 23:47

    Also, make sure that your system time / time zone on the server and php and magento match up.

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  • 2021-01-13 23:53

    I had some problems when on a local server. It was on http://server/username/ and so didn't have dots in it. If we changed the settings to be the IP address of the server then it was fine.

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  • 2021-01-13 23:54

    I was having the same problem running Magento 1.5.1 on my production server. I would log in to the admin, the url would show the address for the dashboard (with the secure key), but the screen would still be the login screen. There was no error. This happened with FF, Safari, and Chrome.

    I fixed it by manually setting two core_config_data values in the database. They are as follows:

    web/cookie/cookie_path = /

    web/cookie/cookie_domain = ""

    clear out var/cache and try to log in. For me, it worked.

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  • 2021-01-13 23:57

    There can be several things that cause this behavior. This is my checklist. One of them will eventually fix it.

    1. Click the "forgot password link" and then the "back" link. This will remove any possibly misplaced params in the URL as well as make sure you're on the right server (some installations have separate admin servers)
    2. Clear cookies or use an incognito window
    3. Try another browser
    4. Local installations: Try using instead of localhost (and update the base URL in the core_config_data table)
    5. Clear Magento cache, full_page_cache, and session directories in the magento/var/ directory (and repeat 1 and 2)
    6. Truncate the core_session table
    7. Verify your Magento has correct memory settings
    8. Check Magento system.log and exception.log files and debug
    9. Check PHP's error logs and debug
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  • 2021-01-13 23:59

    I've experienced this issue using Opera, while in other browsers it worked fine.

    Also, make sure to set correct cookie options in: System > Configuration > Web > Cookie Settings

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