LU Decomposition from Numerical Recipes not working; what am I doing wrong?

后端 未结 4 2099
小鲜肉 2021-01-13 23:01

I\'ve literally copied and pasted from the supplied source code for Numerical Recipes for C for in-place LU Matrix Decomposition, problem is its not working.

I\'m s

  • 2021-01-13 23:06

    I think there's something inherently wrong with your indices. They sometimes have unusual start and end values, and the outer loop over j instead of i makes me suspicious.

    Before you ask anyone to examine your code, here are a few suggestions:

    • double-check your indices
    • get rid of those obfuscation attempts using sum
    • use a macro a(i,j) instead of a[i*MAT1+j]
    • write sub-functions instead of comments
    • remove unnecessary parts, isolating the erroneous code

    Here's a version that follows these suggestions:

    #define MAT1 3
    #define a(i,j) a[(i)*MAT1+(j)]
    int h_NR_LU_decomp(float *a, int *indx)
            int i, j, k;
            int n = MAT1;
            for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
                    // compute R
                    for (j = i; j < n; j++)
                            for (k = 0; k < i-2; k++)
                                    a(i,j) -= a(i,k) * a(k,j);
                    // compute L
                    for (j = i+1; j < n; j++)
                            for (k = 0; k < i-2; k++)
                                    a(j,i) -= a(j,k) * a(k,i);
            return 0;

    Its main advantages are:

    • it's readable
    • it works

    It lacks pivoting, though. Add sub-functions as needed.

    My advice: don't copy someone else's code without understanding it.

    Most programmers are bad programmers.

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  • 2021-01-13 23:08

    To badly paraphrase Albert Einstein:

    ... a man with a watch always knows the exact time, but a man with two is never sure ....

    Your code is definitely not producing the correct result, but even if it were, the result with pivoting will not directly correspond to the result without pivoting. In the context of a pivoting solution, what Alpha has really given you is probably the equivalent of this:

        1  0  0      1  0  0       1  3 -2
    P=  0  1  0   L= 2  1  0  U =  0 -2  7
        0  0  1      3  2  1       0  0 -2

    which will then satisfy the condition A = P.L.U (where . denotes the matrix product). If I compute the (notionally) same decomposition operation another way (using the LAPACK routine dgetrf via numpy in this case):

    In [27]: A
    array([[ 1,  3, -2],
           [ 3,  5,  6],
           [ 2,  4,  3]])
    In [28]: import scipy.linalg as la
    In [29]: LU,ipivot = la.lu_factor(A)
    In [30]: print LU
    [[ 3.          5.          6.        ]
     [ 0.33333333  1.33333333 -4.        ]
     [ 0.66666667  0.5         1.        ]]
    In [31]: print ipivot
    [1 1 2]

    After a little bit of black magic with ipivot we get

        0  1  0       1        0    0       3  5       6
    P = 0  0  1   L = 0.33333  1    0  U =  0  1.3333 -4
        1  0  0       0.66667  0.5  1       0  0       1

    which also satisfies A = P.L.U . Both of these factorizations are correct, but they are different and they won't correspond to a correctly functioning version of the NR code.

    So before you can go deciding whether you have the "right" answer, you really should spend a bit of time understanding the actual algorithm that the code you copied implements.

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  • 2021-01-13 23:21

    The thing that looks most suspicious to me is the part marked "search for largest pivot". This does not only search but it also changes the matrix A. I find it hard to believe that is correct.

    The different version of the LU algorithm differ in pivoting, so make sure you understand that. You cannot compare the results of different algorithms. A better check is to see whether L times U equals your original matrix, or a permutation thereof if your algorithm does pivoting. That being said, your result is wrong because the determinant is wrong (pivoting does not change the determinant, except for the sign).

    Apart from that @Philip has good advice. If you want to understand the code, start by understanding LU decomposition without pivoting.

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  • 2021-01-13 23:30

    For the love of all that is holy, don't use Numerical Recipies code for anything except as a toy implementation for teaching purposes of the algorithms described in the text -- and, really, the text isn't that great. And, as you're learning, neither is the code.

    Certainly don't put any Numerical Recipies routine in your own code -- the license is insanely restrictive, particularly given the code quality. You won't be able to distribute your own code if you have NR stuff in there.

    See if your system already has a LAPACK library installed. It's the standard interface to linear algebra routines in computational science and engineering, and while it's not perfect, you'll be able to find lapack libraries for any machine you ever move your code to, and you can just compile, link, and run. If it's not already installed on your system, your package manager (rpm, apt-get, fink, port, whatever) probably knows about lapack and can install it for you. If not, as long as you have a Fortran compiler on your system, you can download and compile it from here, and the standard C bindings can be found just below on the same page.

    The reason it's so handy to have a standard API to linear algebra routines is that they are so common, but their performance is so system-dependant. So for instance, Goto BLAS is an insanely fast implementation for x86 systems of the low-level operations which are needed for linear algebra; once you have LAPACK working, you can install that library to make everything as fast as possible.

    Once you have any sort of LAPACK installed, the routine for doing an LU factorization of a general matrix is SGETRF for floats, or DGETRF for doubles. There are other, faster routines if you know something about the structure of the matrix - that it's symmetric positive definite, say (SBPTRF), or that it's tridiagonal (STDTRF). It's a big library, but once you learn your way around it you'll have a very powerful piece of gear in your numerical toolbox.

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