Adding headers after RESTAdapter initialization

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隐瞒了意图╮ 2021-01-13 22:53

I am trying to add an Authorization header to my adapter\'s request after the adapter has been initialized and used. I can add headers in a static way at the t

  • 2021-01-13 22:54

    The accepted answer doesn't address the fact that the recommended approach is not working in ember-data. I say recommended since: and other places in that file.

    Further, the issue the OP brings up with of undefined specifically happens here:

    So, the following simply does not work:

      headers: {token: 'reopen_token (NO WORK)' }

    I've tried to point to this out as an issue but it got closed within an hour:

    Hopefully core will decide to either fix this or remove the comments. But, yes, for now it seems you have to hijack jQuery ajax setup, Ember.$.ajaxPrefilter, or override the ajax on the adapter yourself.

    EDIT: So after getting some more feedback from Ember devs, it looks like the core of this issue is trying to reopen an instance already created. So using a computered property when it's defined (so it will update as desired) seems to be the advised approach. Hope that helps (there's a recently merged pull request that makes this more obvious in the comments of referenced file: )

    EDIT 2: Got this working in my app so here's the code in case someone else gets stuck:

    App.ApplicationAdapter = DS.ActiveModelAdapter.extend({
      namespace: 'api/v1',
      headers: function() {
        return {
          token: this.get('App.authToken') || localStorage.getItem('token')
    //login-controller.js (only action shown..assume `data` has user/pass)
      actions: {
        login: function() {
            $.post('/token/', data).done(function(user) {
              App.set('authToken', user.token);
              //Above will trigger adapters's header computed property to update
              // Transition to previous attempted route
              var attemptedTransition = self.get('attemptedTransition');
              if(attemptedTransition) {
              else {
            .fail(function(response) { 
              //fail handling omitted
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  • 2021-01-13 23:03

    You should be able to use $.ajaxPrefilter to add custom headers (or params).


    Ember.$.ajaxPrefilter(function( options, oriOptions, jqXHR ) {
      var auth= "Basic " + hash;
      jqXHR.setRequestHeader("Authorization", auth);
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  • 2021-01-13 23:04

    The answers are already introduced in official API document.

    • Use computed property with session injection
    • or just use volatile computed property
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