I have a file of 1000 lines, each line has 2 words, separated by a space. How can I print each line only if the last word length is greater than 7 chars? Can I use awk RLE
perl -lane 'print if (length($F[$#F]) > 7)' fileName
perl -pae '$_ = "" if (length($F[$#F]) <= 7)' fileName
perl -ane 'print if length($F[1]) > 7'
perl -ane 'length $F[1] > 7 && print' <input_file>
@OP, awk's RLENGTH is used when you call match()
function. Instead, use the length()
function to check for length of characters
awk 'length($2)>7' file
if you are using bash, a shell solution
while read -r a b
if [ "${#b}" -gt 7 ];then
echo $a $b
done <"file"
You can do:
perl -ne '@a=split/\s+/; print if length($a[1]) > 7' input_file.txt
Options used:
-n assume 'while () { ... }' loop around program -e 'command' one line of program (several -e's allowed, omit programfile)
You can use the auto-split option as used by Chris
-a autosplit mode with -n or -p (splits $_ into @F)