I\'m gonna use a for-loop which scans the files (value-f1.yaml, values-f2.yaml,...) in a folder and each time use a filename as a varibale and run the job in Azure pipeline
if the jobs can get access to the GitHub repo by default or do I need to do something in the job level?
The answer is yes.
We could add a command line task in the jobs, like job1
to clone the GitHub repository by Github PAT, then we could access those files (value-f1.yaml
, values-f2.yaml
,...) in $(Build.SourcesDirectory)
git clone https://<GithubPAT>@github.com/XXXXX/TestProject.git
Besides how can I use for-loop in the job for this case?
You could create a template which will have a set of actions, and pass parameters across during your build, like:
param : []
- ${{each filename in parameters.param}}:
- scripts: 'echo ${{ filename }}'
- template: deploy-helmchart.yaml
param: ["filaname1","filaname2","filaname3"]
Check the document Solving the looping problem in Azure DevOps Pipelines for some more details.
Command line get the latest file name in the foler:
FOR /F "delims=|" %%I IN ('DIR "$(Build.SourcesDirectory)\*.txt*" /B /O:D') DO SET NewestFile=%%I
echo "##vso[task.setvariable variable=NewFileName]NewestFile"
Now the question is how can I run the task: HelmDeploy@0 for each files using parameters?
Its depends on whether your
HelmDeploy` task has options to accept the filename parameter.
As I said before, we could use following yaml to invoke the template yaml with parameters:
- template: deploy-helmchart.yaml
param: ["filaname1","filaname2","filaname3"]
But, if the task HelmDeploy
has no options to accept parameters, we could not run the task HelmDeploy@0
for each files using parameters.
Then I check the HelmDeploy@0
, I found there is only one option that can accept Helm command parameters:
So, the answer for this question is depends on whether your file name can be used as a Helm command, if not, you could not run the task HelmDeploy@0
for each files using parameters. If yes, you can do it.
Please check the official document Templates for some more details.
Hope this helps.