I\'m trying to rotate an image around the center. This works generally using RotateAnimation, but I want to have it a bit faster. I\'m now using the SurfaceView pattern with
Find the center of the original image and for the new image and center using that:
Matrix minMatrix = new Matrix();
//height and width are set earlier.
Bitmap minBitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(width, height, Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888);
Canvas minCanvas = new Canvas(minBitmap);
int minwidth = bitmapMin.getWidth();
int minheight = bitmapMin.getHeight();
int centrex = minwidth/2;
int centrey = minheight/2;
minMatrix.setRotate(mindegrees, centrex, centrey);
Bitmap newmin = Bitmap.createBitmap(minBitmap, 0, 0, (int) minwidth, (int) minheight, minMatrix, true);
minCanvas.drawBitmap(newmin, (centrex - newmin.getWidth()/2), (centrey - newmin.getHeight()/2), null);