Ok, I want to preface that I have tried multiple solutions such as:
Android Studio - Google map still blank on real Android device
Android Google Maps API in
Ok, I just solved it (after making this post 13 minutes ago).
So after implementing this solution
Android Studio - Google map still blank on real Android device
I noticed that this error in my Android Monitor when running the apk from my phone:
Android Application (<cert_fingerprint>;<package_name>): <what I assume is a SHA1 fingerprint>;<my_package_name>
So I just copied the SHA1 fingerprint, added it to the API credential restrictions and saved it. And after a few minutes, ran the app again, and it worked.
No need to reupload/update apk.
Hope this helped anyone else.
For derive apk google introduce App singing feature. Google sign you apk agian, so you have to get App Sigining certificate's SHA1 and set it into Google Cloud Platform (wher you set your package name and SHA1)
you find difference of SHA1 keys.
This feature main purpose is, for provide security by google itself, and if you lost key store then you will manage that situation very well.
check this link:
Official Blog:
We need to get the SHA-1 certificate fingerprint from App sinning inside Google Play Console, if you want to release the app to Play store.