What is the best way to test that a spring application context fails to start?

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情书的邮戳 2021-01-13 19:01

I use the spring-boot-starter-web and spring-boot-starter-test.

Let\'s say I have a class for binding configuration properties:


  • 2021-01-13 19:13

    Why is that an integration test to begin with? Why are you starting a full blown Spring Boot app for that?

    This looks like unit testing to me. That being said, you have several options:

    • Don't add @IntegrationTest and Spring Boot will not start a web server to begin with (use @PropertySource to pass value to your test but it feels wrong to pass an invalid value to your whole test class)
    • You can use spring.main.web-environment=false to disable the web server (but that's silly given the point above)
    • Write a unit test that process that DummyProperties of yours. You don't even need to start a Spring Boot application for that. Look at our own test suite

    I'd definitely go with the last one. Maybe you have a good reason to have an integration test for that?

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  • 2021-01-13 19:18

    The best way to test Spring application context is to use ApplicationContextRunner

    It is described in Spring Boot Reference Documentation:

    And there is a quick guide about it:

    Sample usage

    private static final String POSITIVE_CASE_CONFIG_FILE =  
    private static final String NEGATIVE_CASE_CONFIG_FILE =  
    void positiveTest() {
      ApplicationContextRunner contextRunner = new ApplicationContextRunner()
        .withInitializer(new ConfigDataApplicationContextInitializer())//1
        .withInitializer(new ConditionEvaluationReportLoggingListener(LogLevel.DEBUG))//2
        .withPropertyValues("spring.config.location=" + POSITIVE_CASE_CONFIG_FILE)//4
        .run((context) -> {
    void negativeTest() {
      ApplicationContextRunner contextRunner = new ApplicationContextRunner()
        .withInitializer(new ConfigDataApplicationContextInitializer())//1
        .withInitializer(new ConditionEvaluationReportLoggingListener(LogLevel.DEBUG))//2
        .withPropertyValues("spring.config.location=" + NEGATIVE_CASE_CONFIG_FILE)//4
        .run((context) -> {
            .contains("Some exception message");
            .contains("Cause exception message");
    private List<String> extractFailureCauseMessages(AssertableApplicationContext context) {
      var failureCauseMessages = new ArrayList<String>();
      var currentCause = context.getStartupFailure().getCause();
      while (!Objects.isNull(currentCause)) {//7
        currentCause = currentCause.getCause();
      return failureCauseMessages;

    Explanation with examples of similar definitions from Junit5 Spring Boot Test Annotations:

    1. Triggers loading of config files like application.properties or application.yml
    2. Logs ConditionEvaluationReport using given log level when application context fails
    3. Provides class that specifies mock beans, ie. we have @Autowired BookRepository in our BookService and we provide mock BookRepository in MockBeansTestConfiguration. Similar to @Import({MockBeansTestConfiguration.class}) in test class and @TestConfiguration in class with mock beans in normal Junit5 Spring Boot Test
    4. Equivalent of @TestPropertySource(properties = { "spring.config.location=" + POSITIVE_CASE_CONFIG_FILE})
    5. Triggers spring auto configuration for given class, not direct equivalent, but it is similar to using @ContextConfiguration(classes = {BookService.class}) or @SpringBootTest(classes = {BookService.class}) together with @Import({BookService.class}) in normal test
    6. Assertions.class from AssertJ library, there should be static import for Assertions.assertThat, but I wanted to show where this method is from
    7. There should be static import for Objects.isNull, but I wanted to show where this method is from

    MockBeansTestConfiguration class:

    public class MockBeansTestConfiguration {
      private static final Book SAMPLE_BOOK = Book.of(1L, "Stanisław Lem", "Solaris", "978-3-16-148410-0");
      public BookRepository mockBookRepository() {
        var bookRepository = Mockito.mock(BookRepository.class);//1
        return bookRepository;

    1,2. There should be static import, but I wanted to show where this method is from

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  • 2021-01-13 19:26

    I think the easiest way is:

    public class InvalidUrlTest {
        public DisableOnDebug testTimeout = new DisableOnDebug(new Timeout(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS));
        public ExpectedException expected = ExpectedException.none();
        public void shouldFailOnStartIfUrlInvalid() {
            // configure ExpectedException
    // other cases
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