I want to send SMSs in PDU mode. I have checked the spec for my modem, and it supports PDU mode.
I have developed a PDU encoder and decoder, but now I do not know
First of all, to send sms when modem is in pdu mode, you must send these commands: AT+CMGS=<length> <CR>, where length is (length of PDU binary string - 2) / 2. When '>' symbol appears you must send your pdu and ctrl+z character (char.ConvertFromUtf32(26)).
Here are some resources that may be useful: http://www.developershome.com/sms/ SMS Tutorial http://www.diafaan.com/sms-tutorials/gsm-modem-tutorial/online-sms-deliver-pdu-decoder/ another online pdu decoder (but your link is better in my opinion) http://www.fccps.cz/img.asp?attid=24590 AT commands guide (for wavecom, but there is no difference)
Last advice - use any telnet client to connect and test your modem and see how it responds
length of PDU string = ( PDUlength - 2 - ServiceCentreNumber length ) / 2
ServiceCentreNumber length is first byte of PDU string. (2 Hex char = 8 bit)
Command for send sms in PDU mode:
send:AT+CMGF=0 //recieved "\r\nOK\r\n"
send:AT+CMGS=<length> //recieved "\r\n> "
send:<pdu string><char(26)> //recieved "\r\n+CMGS: 59\r\n\r\nOK\r\n"
Another variant is to use instead +CMGS command +CMGW to write msg to memory (code same above) and then use +CMSS to send the message from memory.