Using Ruby 1.9.2
Compare the content, not the results, of two procs. I understand the results can\'t be tested because
If you're using Ruby 1.9, you may be able to use the sourcify gem.
$ irb
> require 'sourcify'
=> true
> a = proc {@x == "x"}
=> #<Proc:0x9ba4240@(irb):2>
> b = proc {@x == %{x}}
=> #<Proc:0x9ba23f0@(irb):3>
> a == b
=> false
> a.to_source == b.to_source
=> true
=> "1.9.2"
We also ran into the ParseTree/Ruby 1.9 incompatibility problem at my company.
$ sudo gem install ruby2ruby ParseTree
require 'parse_tree'
require 'ruby2ruby'
require 'parse_tree_extensions'
# All of these are the same:
proc { puts 'a' }.to_ruby # => "proc { puts(\"a\") }"
lambda { puts "a" }.to_ruby # => "proc { puts(\"a\") }" { puts %{a} }.to_ruby # => "proc { puts(\"a\") }"
# If you need to do this with classes:
class Bar; define_method(:foo) { 'a' }; end
# will print this:
# class Bar < Object
# def foo
# "a"
# end
# end