My situation is that i have a C++ class (MyClass) with a method that has the following signature:
bool getSerialized(const stdString & name, std::string
You can do what you're trying to do with a few typemaps and some JNI. I put together an example:
%module test
%include <std_string.i>
%typemap(jtype) bool foo "byte[]"
%typemap(jstype) bool foo "byte[]"
%typemap(jni) bool foo "jbyteArray"
%typemap(javaout) bool foo { return $jnicall; }
%typemap(in, numinputs=0) std::string& out (std::string temp) "$1=&temp;"
%typemap(argout) std::string& out {
$result = JCALL1(NewByteArray, jenv, $1->size());
JCALL4(SetByteArrayRegion, jenv, $result, 0, $1->size(), (const jbyte*)$1->c_str());
// Optional: return NULL if the function returned false
%typemap(out) bool foo {
if (!$1) {
return NULL;
%inline %{
struct Bar {
bool foo(std::string& out) {
std::string s;
out = s;
return true;
It states that the C++ wrapper with return a Java byte array for the functions that match bool foo
. It also sets up a temporary std::string
to give to the real implementation of foo
that hides the input parameter from the Java interface itself.
Once the call has been made it creates and returns a byte array provided the function didn't return false.
I checked that it all worked as expected with:
public class run {
public static void main(String[] argv) {
String s = "ho\0la";
Bar b = new Bar();
byte[] bytes =;
s = new String(bytes);
System.out.println(s + " - " + s.length());
assert(s.charAt(2) == 0);
You should be aware of the implications of the cast to const jbyte*
from the return type of c_str()
- it may not always be what you wanted.
As an alternative if the size of the output byte array was actually fixed or trivially predictable you could pass that in pre-allocated as the input to begin with. This would work because arrays are effectively passed by reference into functions in the first place.