Force x-axis labels on facet_grid ggplot: x-axis labels differ per row

后端 未结 1 870
执念已碎 2021-01-13 17:42

I was so happy to find the greater part of a solution to my question in the post, \"Force X axis text on for all facets of a facet_grid plot\".


  • 2021-01-13 18:26

    Alternative Version (added 24 April 2015) showing manual construction of the elements and containing more commenting.

    ## Alternative version
    # Get the ggplot grobs
    g <- ggplotGrob(p)
    g2 <- ggplotGrob(p2)
    # Show the layout.
    # Note the rows and columns
    # In this case, the g2 layout is the same as the g layout
    # The large panels are the plot panels.
    # We will need rows 4, 6 and 8.
    # For the top "Very Good" row, we will also need rows 1, 2, and 3.
    # The axis is located in row 9
    # Therefore rbind the grob in rows 1, 2, 3, and 4, with the grob in row 9.
    top.row <- rbind(g[1:4, ], g[9, ], size = "first")
    # The second "Premium" row
    # We need the panels in row 6 plus the small gap row above,
    # and rbind that to the axis
    middle.row = rbind(g2[5:6, ], g2[9,], size = "first")
    # The bottom "Ideal" row
    # We need the panel in row 8 plus the small gap in the row above
    # plus the axis in the row below
    # plus rows below that (axis label and margin)
    bottom.row = g2[7:11, ]
    # rbind the three rows 
    all <- rbind(rbind(top.row, middle.row, size = "first"), bottom.row, size = "first")
    # Draw it
    # Maybe add a little more space between the rows
    all$heights[c(6,9)] = unit(1, "lines")
    # Draw it

    But you don't even need to do the binding of the panel to the axis; just select the appropriate rows from the layout:

    top.row <- g[c(1:4, 9), ]
    middle.row = g2[c(5:6, 9), ]
    bottom.row = g2[7:11, ]

    then bind these three new rows.

    Original Version

    It is only in the binding of the rows that you have made a mistake. You have bound an axis to the top "Very Good" row. The bottom "Ideal" row already has an axis, so no binding is required. To Fix: The middle "Premium" row needs an axis.

    I have constructed each row separately, binding an axis to the top and middle rows, then binding the three rows.

    I've added another step to add a little more space between the rows.

    g <- ggplotGrob(p)
    g2 <- ggplotGrob(p2)
    # locate the panels
    panels <- grep("panel", g$layout$name)
    panels2 <- grep("panel", g2$layout$name)
    top <- unique(g$layout$t[panels])
    top2 <- unique(g2$layout$t[panels2])
    # Construct each row separately
    top.row <- gtable:::rbind_gtable(g[, ], g[max(top)+1,], "first")
    middle.row <- gtable:::rbind_gtable(g2[c(top[2]-1,top[2]), ], g2[max(top)+1,], "first")
    bottom.row <- g2[(max(top2)-1):nrow(g2), ]
    all <- gtable:::rbind_gtable(gtable:::rbind_gtable(top.row, middle.row, "first"), bottom.row, "first")
    # Draw it
    # Maybe add a little more space between the rows
    all$heights[c(6,9)] = unit(1, "lines")

    enter image description here

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