so I\'m new to angularjs and its mocking library. I am trying to test that a specific GET request is made, but I always get this error for the 2nd assertion and can\'t figur
I finally got my unit tests working! Mostly because I restructured my application to make more sense and be more modular.
I'll try to give information to help the next person that runs into this:
first of was I switched to using the $resource instead of $http.
instead of injecting $injector, I injected $httpBackend like so:
beforeEach(inject(function(_$httpBackend_, $rootScope, $route, $controller){
$httpBackend = _$httpBackend_;
instead of referencing 'Ctrl' as a string, I passed in the actual class
Ctrl = $controller('Ctrl', {
$scope: scope
var ProductsCtrl = ['$scope', function($scope){ ... }];
Ctrl = $controller(ProductsCtrl, {
$scope: scope
Make sure you are referencing the angular-resources.js file if you are using $resources
I'm really loving Angularjs; I think it just takes some time to wrap your head around how to test. Best of luck out there!