I am new to MVVM . I am using wpf with MVVM in my project . So I am testing things right now before diving into an app I need to write.
My page (EmpDetailsWindow.xam
You can do it like this
<DataGrid AutoGeneratingColumn="DataGrid_AutoGeneratingColumn"/>
private void DataGrid_AutoGeneratingColumn(object sender, DataGridAutoGeneratingColumnEventArgs e)
if (e.PropertyName == "Gender")
var cb = new DataGridComboBoxColumn();
cb.ItemsSource = (DataContext as MyVM).GenderDataTable;
cb.SelectedValueBinding = new Binding("Gender");
e.Column = cb;
There doesn't seem to quite be a complete answer here so I'll post what I found from this question and from experimentation. I'm sure this breaks many rules but it's simple and it works
public partial class MainWindow : Window
// define a dictionary (key vaue pair). This is your drop down code/value
public static Dictionary<string, string>
dCopyType = new Dictionary<string, string>() {
{ "I", "Incr." },
{ "F", "Full" }
// If you autogenerate columns, you can use this event
// To selectively override each column
// You need to define this event on the grid in the event tab in order for it to be called
private void Entity_AutoGeneratingColumn(object sender,
DataGridAutoGeneratingColumnEventArgs e)
// The name of the database column
if (e.PropertyName == "CopyType")
// heavily based on code above
var cb = new DataGridComboBoxColumn();
cb.ItemsSource = dCopyType; // The dictionary defined above
cb.SelectedValuePath = "Key";
cb.DisplayMemberPath = "Value";
cb.Header = "Copy Type";
cb.SelectedValueBinding = new Binding("CopyType");
e.Column = cb;
} // end public partial class MainWindow