In QuickGraph - is there algorithm for find all parents (up to root vertex\'s) of a set of vertex\'s. In other words all vertex\'s which have somewhere under them (on the w
Here's what I've used to accomplish a predecessor search on a given vertex:
IBidirectionalGraph<int, IEdge<int>> CreateGraph(int vertexCount)
BidirectionalGraph<int, IEdge<int>> graph = new BidirectionalGraph<int, IEdge<int>>(true);
for (int i = 0; i < vertexCount; i++)
for (int i = 1; i < vertexCount; i++)
graph.AddEdge(new Edge<int>(i - 1, i));
return graph;
static public void Main()
IBidirectionalGraph<int, IEdge<int>> graph = CreateGraph(5);
var dfs = new DepthFirstSearchAlgorithm<int, IEdge<int>>(graph);
var observer = new VertexPredecessorRecorderObserver<int, IEdge<int>>();
using (observer.Attach(dfs)) // attach, detach to dfs events
int vertexToFind = 3;
IEnumerable<IEdge<int>> edges;
if (observer.TryGetPath(vertexToFind, out edges))
Console.WriteLine("To get to vertex '" + vertexToFind + "', take the following edges:");
foreach (IEdge<int> edge in edges)
Console.WriteLine(edge.Source + " -> " + edge.Target);
Note that if you know your root beforehand, you can specify it in the dfs.Compute()
method (i.e. dfs.Compute(0)
I used Doug's answer and found out that if there are more than one parent for a vertex, his solution only provides one of the parents. I am not sure why.
So, I created my own version which is as follows:
public IEnumerable<T> GetParents(T vertexToFind)
IEnumerable<T> parents = null;
if (this.graph.Edges != null)
parents = this.graph
.Where(x => x.Target.Equals(vertexToFind))
.Select(x => x.Source);
return parents;
You either need to maintain a reversed graph, or create a wrapper over the graph that reverses every edge. QuickGraph has the ReversedBidirectionalGraph class that is a wrapper intended just for that, but it does not seem to work with the algorithm classes because of generic type incompatibility. I had to create my own wrapper class:
class ReversedBidirectionalGraphWrapper<TVertex, TEdge> : IVertexListGraph<TVertex, TEdge> where TEdge : IEdge<TVertex>
private BidirectionalGraph<TVertex, TEdge> _originalGraph;
public IEnumerable<TEdge> OutEdges(TVertex v)
foreach (var e in _graph.InEdges(v))
yield return (TEdge)Convert.ChangeType(new Edge<TVertex>(e.Target, e.Source), typeof(TEdge));
} //...implement the rest of the interface members using the same trick
Then run DFS or BFS on this wrapper:
var w = new ReversedBidirectionalGraphWrapper<int, Edge<int>>(graph);
var result = new List<int>();
var alg = new DepthFirstSearchAlgorithm<int, Edge<int>>(w);
alg.TreeEdge += e => result.Add(e.Target);
Doug's answer is not correct, because DFS will only visit the downstream subgraph. The predecessor observer does not help.