The page currently displayed in my browser is: http://localhost:19255/Object/Browse/1
A link on this page is created with: @Html.ActionLink(\"...
While neither of the following work:
@Html.ActionLink("...", "Browse", "Object", null) // Has no effect
@Html.ActionLink("...", "Browse", "Object", new { id = null }) // Error
The following solves the issue:
@Html.ActionLink("...", "Browse", "Object", new { id = "" }) // No ID is passed
I believe MVC is pulling this Id from the Model directly since you don't specify it. I've seen this before but I don't have time at the moment to verify it.
Try overwriting @Model.Id
before rendering that link to see if that's where it's coming from. Then, I think, you'd be able to stash the Id value off in a new variable in case you need it and set @Model.Id = null. Kind of a hack... of course :)