I am new to GraphX and have a Spark dataframe with four columns like below:
src_ip dst_ip flow_count sum_byt
It is possible to add both variables to the edge. The simplest solution would be to use a tuple, for example:
val data = Array(Edge(3L, 7L, (123, 456)), Edge(5L, 3L, (41, 34)))
val edges: RDD[Edge[(Int, Int)]] = spark.sparkContext.parallelize(data)
Alternatively, you can make use of a case class:
case class EdgeWeight(flow_count: Int, sum_bytes: Int)
val data2 = Array(Edge(3L, 7L, EdgeWeight(123, 456)), Edge(5L, 3L, EdgeWeight(41, 34)))
val edges: RDD[Edge[EdgeWeight]] = spark.sparkContext.parallelize(data2)
Using a case class would be more convenient to use and maintain if there are more attributes to be added.
I believe that in this specific case, it is most elegantly solved by:
val trafficEdges = trafficsFromTo.map{x =>
EdgeWeight(x(2), x(3))
trafficEdges.sortBy(edge => edge.attr.flow_count) // sort by flow_count