Getting an error if using Apache Commons Validator:
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/oro/text/perl/Perl5Util
Even if, Apache Commons Validator /dep
I was having this issue on version 1.3.1 of Apache's Validator. I rolled back to 1.3.0 and it included the oro dependency just fine.
If you don't rely on something from the dot release, perhaps this could work for you as well.
You need to get Apache oro. I've version 2.0.8 though Maven and it has Perl5Util:
mpandit-mbp:2.0.8 mpandit$ jar tvf oro-2.0.8.jar | grep 'Perl5Util'
7818 Sun Dec 28 23:00:18 PST 2003 org/apache/oro/text/perl/Perl5Util.class
Put the jar containing "org/apache/oro/text/perl/Perl5Util" class on the server and modify the classpath of the server to include the jar file.
You can download this dependency to get Perl5Util.
The newer version (1.4.0) of commons-validator has no dependency on oro anymore. Using Maven:
Apparently you're using something that requires that class.
Compiler wins over documentation.