I am making publication via [FBWebDialogs presentFeedDialogModally...]
It works fine.
But if I delete application in the facebook settings and try make post again, I
Seems like a bug in the SDK.
Try specifying your app_id
in the parameters dictionary passed to [FBWebDialogs presentFeedDialogModallyWithSession:parameters:handler]
The documentation says "Required, but automatically specified by most SDKs" however I found it was not happening automatically.
You can either add your FacebookAppID to the passed parameters, as nick suggests. Or make sure your FacebookAppID is in your plist info file.
Add a string key: FacebookAppID with the value of your Facebook App ID. Then the SDK can automatically add your app id for use everywhere else.
You can get this error when your app is not available to the public (big slider on "Status & Review" page of the Facebook developer control panel says "NO"), and you have not added the account you log in with in the app as a test user.
I had this situation where I had not yet added my test user (I am using a difference account than my personal one for testing) as a test user to the app.
You can add your test users in the "Roles" page of the Facebook developer control panel.