is it possible to get the path of all the images that are stored on the sd card of my android phone? also is it possible to check for other images stored on sd card or in th
You can use a FileFilter for this. Here's one I wrote for returning a list of directories that contain images. From this, it should be fairly simple to modify it to return a list of images:
FileFilter filterForImageFolders = new FileFilter()
public boolean accept(File folder)
//Checking only directories, since we are checking for files within
//a directory
File[] listOfFiles = folder.listFiles();
if (listOfFiles == null) return false;
//For each file in the directory...
for (File file : listOfFiles)
//Check if the extension is one of the supported filetypes
//imageExtensions is a String[] containing image filetypes (e.g. "png")
for (String ext : imageExtensions)
if (file.getName().endsWith("." + ext)) return true;
return false;
catch (SecurityException e)
Log.v("debug", "Access Denied");
return false;
EDIT: To clarify, to use this, you would do something like the below:
File extStore = Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory();
File[] imageDirs = extStore.listFiles(filterForImageFolders);