Agda: parse a string with numbers

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渐次进展 2021-01-13 12:19

I am trying to parse a string with natural numbers in Agda. e.g., the result of stringListToℕ \"1,2,3\" should be Just (1 ∷ 2 ∷ 3 ∷ [])


  • 2021-01-13 12:30

    I had a go at it trying not to be clever and using simple recursive functions rather than stdlib magic. parse xs m ns parses xs by recording the (possibly empty) prefix already read in m while keeping the list of numbers already parsed in the accumulator ns.

    If a parsing failure happens (non recognized character, two consecutive ,, etc.) everything is thrown away and we return nothing.

    module parseList where
    open import Data.Nat
    open import Data.List
    open import Data.Maybe
    open import Data.Char
    open import Data.String
    isDigit : Char → Maybe ℕ
    isDigit '0' = just 0
    isDigit '1' = just 1
    isDigit '2' = just 2
    isDigit '3' = just 3
    isDigit _   = nothing
    attach : Maybe ℕ → ℕ → ℕ
    attach nothing  n = n
    attach (just m) n = 10 * m + n
    Quote : List Char → Maybe (List ℕ)
    Quote xs = parse xs nothing []
        parse : List Char → Maybe ℕ → List ℕ → Maybe (List ℕ)
        parse []         nothing  ns = just ns
        parse []         (just n) ns = just (n ∷ ns)
        parse (',' ∷ tl) (just n) ns = parse tl nothing (n ∷ ns)
        parse (hd ∷ tl)  m        ns with isDigit hd
        ... | nothing = nothing
        ... | just n  = parse tl (just (attach m n)) ns
    stringListToℕ : String → Maybe (List ℕ)
    stringListToℕ xs with Quote (toList xs)
    ... | nothing = nothing
    ... | just ns = just (reverse ns)
    open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality
    test : stringListToℕ ("12,3") ≡ just (12 ∷ 3 ∷ [])
    test = refl
    0 讨论(0)
  • 2021-01-13 12:35

    I took the liberty of rewriting your split function into something more general which also works with the termination check:

    open import Data.List
    open import Data.Product
    open import Function
    splitBy : ∀ {a} {A : Set a} → (A → Bool) → List A → List (List A)
    splitBy {A = A} p = uncurry′ _∷_ ∘ foldr step ([] , [])
        step : A → List A × List (List A) → List A × List (List A)
        step x (cur , acc) with p x
        ... | true  = x ∷ cur , acc
        ... | false = []      , cur ∷ acc

    Also, stringToℕ "" should most likely be nothing, unless you really want:

    stringListToℕ "1,,2" ≡ just (1 ∷ 0 ∷ 2 ∷ []) 

    Let's rewrite it a bit (note that helper is your original stringToℕ function):

    stringToℕ : List Char → Maybe ℕ
    stringToℕ []   = nothing
    stringToℕ list = helper list 0
      where {- ... -}

    And now we can put it all together. For simplicity I'm using List Char everywhere, sprinkle with fromList/toList as necessary):

    let x1 = s                   : List Char        -- start
    let x2 = splitBy notComma x1 : List (List Char) -- split at commas
    let x3 = map stringToℕ x2    : List (Maybe ℕ)   -- map our ℕ-conversion
    let x4 = sequence x3         : Maybe (List ℕ)   -- turn Maybe inside out

    You can find sequence in Data.List; we also have to specify which monad instance we want to use. Data.Maybe exports its monad instance under the name monad. Final code:

    open import Data.Char
    open import Data.List
    open import Data.Maybe
    open import Data.Nat
    open import Function
    stringListToℕ : List Char → Maybe (List ℕ)
    stringListToℕ = sequence Data.Maybe.monad ∘ map stringToℕ ∘ splitBy notComma

    And a small test:

    open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality
    test : stringListToℕ ('1' ∷ '2' ∷ ',' ∷ '3' ∷ []) ≡ just (12 ∷ 3 ∷ [])
    test = refl

    Considering your second question: there are many ways to turn a Maybe (List (Maybe ℕ)) into a Maybe (List ℕ), for example:

    silly : Maybe (List (Maybe ℕ)) → Maybe (List ℕ)
    silly _ = nothing

    Right, this doesn't do much. We'd like the conversion to preserve the elements if they are all just. isNothing already does this part of checking but it cannot get rid of the inner Maybe layer.

    from-just could work since we know that when we use it, all elements of the List must be just x for some x. The problem is that conv in its current form is just wrong - from-just works as a function of type Maybe A → A only when the Maybe value is just x! We could very well do something like this:

    test₂ : Maybe (List ℕ)
    test₂ = conv ∘ just $ nothing ∷ just 1 ∷ []

    And since from-list behaves as a Maybe A → ⊤ when given nothing, we are esentially trying to construct a heterogeneous list with elements of type both and .

    Let's scrap this solution, I'll show a much simpler one (in fact, it should resemble the first part of this answer).

    We are given a Maybe (List (Maybe ℕ)) and we gave two goals:

    • take the inner List (Maybe ℕ) (if any), check if all elements are just x and in this case put them all into a list wrapped in a just, otherwise return nothing

    • squash the doubled Maybe layer into one

    Well, the second point sounds familiar - that's something monads can do! We get:

    join : {A : Set} → Maybe (Maybe A) → Maybe A
    join mm = mm >>= λ x → x
        open RawMonad Data.Maybe.monad

    This function could work with any monad but we'll be fine with Maybe.

    And for the first part, we need a way to turn a List (Maybe ℕ) into a Maybe (List ℕ) - that is, we want to swap the layers while propagating the possible error (i.e. nothing) into the outer layer. Haskell has specialized typeclass for this kind of stuff (Traversable from Data.Traversable), this question has some excellent answers if you'd like to know more. Basically, it's all about rebuilding the structure while collecting the "side effects". We'll be fine with the version that works just for Lists and we're back at sequence again.

    There's still one piece missing, let's look at what we have so far:

    sequence-maybe : List (Maybe ℕ) → Maybe (List ℕ)
    sequence-maybe = sequence Data.Maybe.monad
    join : Maybe (Maybe (List ℕ)) → Maybe (List ℕ)
      -- substituting A with List ℕ

    We need to apply sequence-maybe inside one Maybe layer. That's where the Maybe functor instance comes into play (you could do it with a monad instance alone, but it's more convenient). With this functor instance, we can lift an ordinary function of type a → b into a function of type Maybe a → Maybe b. And finally:

    open import Category.Functor
    open import Data.Maybe
    final : Maybe (List (Maybe ℕ)) → Maybe (List ℕ)
    final mlm = join (sequence-maybe <$> mlm)
        open RawFunctor functor
    0 讨论(0)
  • 2021-01-13 12:35

    Here is the Code from Vitus as a running example that uses the Agda Prelude

    module Parse where
    open import Prelude
    -- Install Prelude
    ---- clone this git repo:
    -- Configure Prelude
    --- press Meta/Alt and the letter X together
    --- type "customize-group" (i.e. in the mini buffer)
    --- type "agda2"
    --- expand the Entry "Agda2 Include Dirs:"
    --- add the directory 
    open import Data.Product using (uncurry′)
    open import Data.Maybe using ()
    open import Data.List using (sequence)
    splitBy : ∀ {a} {A : Set a} → (A → Bool) → List A → List (List A)
    splitBy {A = A} p = uncurry′ _∷_ ∘ foldr step ([] , [])
        step : A → List A × List (List A) → List A × List (List A)
        step x (cur , acc) with p x
        ... | true  = x ∷ cur , acc
        ... | false = []      , cur ∷ acc
    charsToℕ : List Char → Maybe ℕ
    charsToℕ []   = nothing
    charsToℕ list = stringToℕ (fromList list)
    notComma : Char → Bool
    notComma c = not (c == ',')
    -- Finally:
    charListToℕ : List Char → Maybe (List ℕ)
    charListToℕ = Data.List.sequence Data.Maybe.monad ∘ map charsToℕ ∘ splitBy     notComma
    stringListToℕ : String → Maybe (List ℕ)
    stringListToℕ = charListToℕ ∘ toList
    -- Test
    test1 : charListToℕ ('1' ∷ '2' ∷ ',' ∷ '3' ∷ []) ≡ just (12 ∷ 3 ∷ [])
    test1 = refl
    test2 : stringListToℕ "12,33" ≡ just (12 ∷ 33 ∷ [])
    test2 = refl
    test3 : stringListToℕ ",,," ≡ nothing
    test3 = refl
    test4 : stringListToℕ "abc,def" ≡ nothing
    test4 = refl
    0 讨论(0)