I started C++ recently and while learning switch case, I got this doubt.
What\'s the difference if I use int or char in the following code :
int Fav_Car;
Characters in switch cases are eventually converted to ASCII equivalent decimal i.e
char '1' - int 49
char '2' - int 50
For example, if input is integer int 1
, switch case will switch to default
because 1
doesn't satisfy any case.
1 != 49
1 != 50
However, in case input is character char '1'
, output will be the first case as your desire.
Are you sure that INT is not working?
The following code works well:
#include <iostream>
int main() {
int fav_car = 2;
switch(fav_car) {
case 1 :
std::cout<< "That's cool";
case 2 :
std::cout<< "Even mine!";
default :
std::cout<< "Oh";
case '1' - it is a symbol
case "1" - it is a string constant