I\'m trying to run the command, chown -R apache:apache xyz
But I\'m getting error, chown: apache:apache\': invalid user
Then I tried for the user www-da
I've got the same problem when triyng to make the chroot with only some libraries. When I tried to su the same message was happened:
su: user xxxxxdoes not exist
Seems not all libraries was copied to the chroot subdirectory, so you can try to copy all if you've prepared the chroot dir
cp --parent -avR /usr/lib64 /CHROOT_DIR
cp --parent -avR /usr/lib /CHROOT_DIR
ln -s /CHROOT_DIR/usr/lib64 /CHROOT_DIR/lib64
ln -s /CHROOT_DIR/usr/lib64 /CHROOT_DIR/lib64
the user called "www-data" in apache2
Not all linux servers use apache and group apache. It looks like the server is running the process as nobody.
Are you root on the server? If so you can look in the /etc/groups file to see what groups are defined.
look in the configuration for apache - httpd.conf. The following lines should give you the needed informations.
For the user do:
find / -name httpd.conf | xargs grep -i "^user"
and for the group do:
find / -name httpd.conf | xargs grep -i "^group"
Your apache runs as the user called "nobody" (Yes nobody is a username).
I have newer seen a linux where the apache user were called apache but you can configure the name in the apache config. Which linux version are you using?