I want to expand row directly from an typescript method, i\'ve try with @viewchild but it doesn\'t work :
There is a property expandedRows
that is an array of all current expanded rows. You should be able to add / remove your row to this list to toggle row expansion.
You will need to have:
<p-dataTable [expandableRows]="true" [expandedRows]="expandedItems"></p-dataTable>
expandedItems: Array<any> = new Array<any>();
// expand row
// hide row
Simple plunker but you get the idea... https://plnkr.co/edit/Zra8UUMv4XQCv0lbRbMg?p=preview
You can use this just for toggling purposes (please make sure you have defined [pSelectableRow]="rowData" in your template body.
<p-button label="Save" [pRowToggler]="rowData"></p-button>
If you needed something more customized, then you can, defined a reference called #dtEntry :-
<p-table #dtEntry [columns]="dataEntryColumns" [value]="data.rptSkMimp"
selectionMode="single" [paginator]="true" [rows]="10" dataKey="txnId">
Somewhere in your code - notice we are passing in (rowdata, dtEntry) above
<p-button icon="fa fa-fw fa-plus" label="Save" (click)="onRowSave(rowData, dtEntry)"></p-button>
You might have the following script in your code to handle onRowSave.
onRowSave(rowData:any, dt:any) {
There is a toggleRow method at the level of the data table that takes row data, passed as a parameter:
<p-dataTable #dt [value]="cars" expandableRows="true"
<p-column field="year" header="Year"></p-column>
<ng-template let-car pTemplate="rowexpansion">
expanded row
{{ car.brand }}
Try this:
addComment(): void {
You can add another data table or view after last column like below code
<p-column [style]="{'width':'35px'}" expander="true" ></p-column>
<p-column ></p-column>
<ng-template let-cp pTemplate="rowexpansion">
[value]="cp.listreviewerlist" >