I have the following piece of code inside an h:form
You are not going to like my answer, but this is not a bug.
Primefaces Issue 1642 is marked as Won't Fix.
The Primefaces Captcha utilizes Recaptcha, which does not and cannot support Ajax refresh. You must do a full page postback for this component to work properly. Keep in mind this also affects the ability to use the Captcha in components that require Ajax refresh of a panel, such as a Tab View or Wizard component.
EDIT: On another note, it might be possible to use the captcha component within an <iframe>
to achieve a similar effect, but that seems like a dirty hack. Sorry I couldn't be more of a help.
It is dirty but try using captcha on on dialog. it is working for me....
<p:dialog widgetVar="captchaDlgWar" modal="true" closable="false" resizable="false"
header="Prove you are human..." width="350" height="200">
<h:panelGrid columns="1">
<p:captcha label="Captcha"
requiredMessage="Please Enter Capcha Text"
validatorMessage="Captcha text does not match."/>
<p:commandButton id="btnContinue"
public void onButtonAction(ActionEvent e) {
//Do your stuff
A derivation of the @user2393398 tip.
Do not update the p:captcha
, use the p:ajaxStatus
to reload it.
<h:form style="width: 400px;" >
<h:outputText value="Informe seu CPF/CNPJ ou E-mail abaixo, e um e-mail de recuperação será enviado para seu endereço." />
<br /><br />
<p:messages id="messageGlobal" globalOnly="true" />
<h:panelGrid columns="3" cellspacing="5" >
<h:outputLabel for="inputUsuarioRecuperacao" value="CPF/CNPJ ou E-mail: " style="float: right;"/>
<p:inputText id="inputUsuarioRecuperacao" value="#{loginController.usuario}" required="true" size="30" />
<p:message id="messageUsuarioRecuperacao" for="inputUsuarioRecuperacao" display="icon" />
<p:spacer />
<p:captcha id="inputCaptcha" theme="white" secure="true" validatorMessage="Os caracteres inseridos não correspondem à verificação de palavras. Tente novamente." />
<p:message id="messageCaptcha" for="inputCaptcha" display="icon" />
<p:spacer />
<p:commandButton value="Enviar" actionListener="#{loginController.enviarEmailRecuperarSenha()}" update="messageGlobal messageCaptcha messageUsuarioRecuperacao" />
<p:ajaxStatus onsuccess="Recaptcha.reload();" />
I haven't found any way of reloading the captcha, so what I do is to reload it in the event oncomplete or onerror using JavaScript.
Maybe it'll work for you.