since the 2.6.0 release of GWT which dropped support of ie6 browser my current project which also uses GXT is failing to compile with the following error:
GWT 2.6.0 has several breaking changes over GWT 2.4.0 and 2.5.1 - these don't affect all libraries, but they do affect both GXT 2 and 3. Code changes in GWT 2.6.0 that break libraries like GXT include:
and opera
are gone, ie10
was added, note that newer versions of opera are webkit based and do not need their own permutation)Saw an upvote, so I know this is still getting readers months later, so editing this to point out that GXT 3.1.0 is in maven central and supports GWT 2.6.0, 2.6.1, and as of Friday anyway, supports GWT 2.7.0-SNAPSHOT. I can't promise it is totally future-proof, but as long no public methods in GWT change, it isn't likely to break again in the GWT 2.7 series.