I just started using PHP PDO with MySQL stored procedures and I have problem with how to get OUT parameters from the procedure call. I looked at many similar stackoverflow t
The problem was that the first query that is calling the stored procedure is not considered as finished and closed, and PDO will not execute another query until the previous query is done.
The solution was to add $proc->closeCursor();
The whole working sample is:
$input = 5;
$mydb = new PDO("mysql:host=localhost;dbname=mydb", "user", "pass");
$proc = $mydb->prepare("CALL proc_name($input, @o_code, @o_message)");
$output = $mydb->query("select @o_code, @o_message")->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
var_dump($output); // array('@o_code'=>value, 'o_message'=>value)