Is there a simple way to serialize a single-level structure as a string for use in a url?
for example:
// create simple struct
x = { a=1, b=2, c=3 };
// serialize in JSON format and encode for URL transport
y = URLEncodedFormat( SerializeJSON(x));
WriteOutput( 'url: <a href="#SCRIPT_NAME#?z=#y#">#SCRIPT_NAME#?#y#</a>');
// now receive the URL variable and dump it
if ( StructKeyExists( url, 'z' )) {
writeOutput( '<h3>URL Data:</h3>' );
writeDump( DeserializeJSON( URLDecode( z)));
How does this look?
<cfset tmpStruct = {"firstItem" = "one", "secondItem" = "two"} />
<cfset myUrl = "" />
<cfloop list="#structKeyList(tmpStruct)#" index="i" >
<cfset myUrl = myUrl & i & "=" & tmpStruct[i] & "&" />
<cfset myUrl = left(myUrl,len(myUrl)-1) />
<cfdump var="#myUrl#" />