thanks for taking a look at my problem. i would like to know if there is any way to pull the data-sitekey from this text... here is the url to the page
Ok now we have code, it is as simple as:
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
soup = BeautifulSoup(requests.get("").content, "html.parser")
key = soup.select_one("#ncaptchaRecaptchaId")["data-sitekey"]
data-sitekey is an attribute, not a css class so you just need to extract it from the element, you can find the element by it's id as above.
You could also use the class name:
# css selector
key = soup.select_one("div.g-recaptcha")["data-sitekey"]
# regular find using class name
key = soup.find("div",class_="g-recaptcha")["data-sitekey"]