I upgraded my PHP 5.6.30 (https://www.apachefriends.org/de/download.html) to PHP 7.0 (https://bitnami.com/stack/wamp/installer)
Everything worked fine so far and it
Take a look in your php.ini, the string
seems to be missing in new installations, at least i had to add it manually in my new XAMPP installation (7.0.1) and accidently just activated the pdo_odbc.dll
extension=php_mssql.dll (or extension=php_sqlsrv_56_nts.dll if you get it from Microsoft Drivers for PHP), is your problem: the Microsoft SQL driver for PHP 7 is not yet ready, the latest ETA is late January for the beta.
It looks like the cause of the delay is the intention to include SQL 2016 in that driver so you can migrate easier in the future.
UPDATE (2016/02/12):
As stated here (meet-bhagdev reply), there is an "early technical preview" of the PHP sqlsrv driver for Windows available on github.