Let\'s say I have an numpy array A of size n x m x k and another array B of size n x m that has indices from 1 to k. I want to access each n x m slice of A using the index g
import numpy as np
n,m,k = 2,3,5
A = np.arange(n*m*k,0,-1).reshape((n,m,k))
# [[[30 29 28 27 26]
# [25 24 23 22 21]
# [20 19 18 17 16]]
# [[15 14 13 12 11]
# [10 9 8 7 6]
# [ 5 4 3 2 1]]]
B = np.random.randint(k, size=(n,m))
# [[4 0 3]
# [3 3 1]]
To create this array,
print(A.reshape(-1, k)[np.arange(n * m), B.ravel()])
# [26 25 17 12 7 4]
as a nxm
array using fancy indexing:
i,j = np.ogrid[0:n, 0:m]
print(A[i, j, B])
# [[26 25 17]
# [12 7 4]]