I am working with a school project where I am going to analyse a companies defect database. They are using Microsoft Foundation Server (TFS). I am all new to TFS and the TFS
Have a look at following code snippet.
It shows you how to get Test Results for a specific Test Suite using Test Points Ids.
You can use similar approach to achieve your goal.
var tfsCollection = new TfsTeamProjectCollection(
new Uri(tfsUrl),
new System.Net.NetworkCredential(<user>, <password>));
var testManagementService = tfsCollection.GetService<ITestManagementService>();
var teamProject = testManagementService.GetTeamProject(projectName);
var testPlan = teamProject.TestPlans.Find(testPlanId);
// Get all Test Cases belonging to a particular Test Suite.
// (If you are using several Test Configurations and want to take only one of them into account,
// you will have to add 'AND ConfigurationId = <your Test Configuration Id>' to the WHERE clause.)
string queryForTestPointsForSpecificTestSuite = string.Format("SELECT * FROM TestPoint WHERE SuiteId = {0}", suiteId );
var testPoints = testPlan.QueryTestPoints(queryForTestPointsForSpecificTestSuite);
// We are going to use these ids when analyzing Test Results
List<int> testPointsIds = (from testPoint in testPoints select testPoint.Id).ToList();
var testResults = teamProject.TestResults.ByTestId(testCaseId);
var testResultsForSpecificTestSuite = testResults.Where(testResult => testPointsIds.Contains(testResult.TestPointId));
This blog post will help you when creating queries: WIQL for Test