Assuming an XML like this:
This isn't quite finished because I can't remember if you can / how to add the namespace prefix to the root element in Xml Serialization. But if you implement the IXmlSerializable interface in your MyRoot class like this:
[XmlRoot("Root", Namespace="http://foo/bar")]
public class MyRoot : IXmlSerializable
Then write the XML serialization methods yourself, something like this:
void IXmlSerializable.ReadXml(System.Xml.XmlReader reader)
var outerXml = reader.ReadOuterXml();
XElement root = XElement.Parse(outerXml);
this.FieldBasic = root.Elements(XName.Get("FieldBasic", "http://foo/bar")).First().Value;
this.FieldComplex = root.Elements(XName.Get("FieldComplex", "http://foo/bar")).First().Elements().First().Value.Trim();
void IXmlSerializable.WriteXml(System.Xml.XmlWriter writer)
writer.WriteRaw(String.Format("\r\n\t<my:FieldBasic>\r\n\t\t{0}\r\n\t</my:FieldBasic>", this.FieldBasic));
writer.WriteRaw(String.Format("\r\n\t<my:FieldComplex>\r\n\t\t{0}\r\n\t</my:FieldComplex>\r\n", this.FieldComplex));
(Return null from the GetSchema method)
This should get you at least pretty close to what you're after.
You may also find these links helpful.
You could use CDATA
in the XML to indicate that the contents is a string literal:
<my:Root xmlns:my="http://foo/bar">
<html xml:space="preserve" xmlns="">