Dynamic access to a PHP array

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逝去的感伤 2021-01-13 05:27

I tried to access with $this->$arrDataName[$key] on the element with the key $key from the array $this->$arrDataName. But PHP in

  • 2021-01-13 06:08

    Let's assume your array is $this->arrDataName. You have a $key, so your object would be $this->arrDataName[$key].

    If you want the contents of the variable which name is stored in $this->arrDataName[$key] you should do this:

        echo ${$this->arrDataName[$key]};
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  • Your syntax is correct:


    You can also use an extra variable for this:

    $myTempArr = $this->$arrDataName;
    $myTempArr[ $key ];

    IMHO, readability is better that way...

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  • 2021-01-13 06:17

    Well, as far as I know, it works. Here how I tested it:

    class tis
        var $a = array('a', 'b', 'c');
        var $b = array('x', 'y', 'z');
        public function read($var)
            echo $this->{$var}[1].'<br />';
    $t = new tis();

    And the output:


    Check correctness of $arrDataName. Turn on debuging and displaying PHP erros (including notices). Maybe you're trying to read non-existing property?

    Also, which PHP version you use? I assume PHP5?

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  • 2021-01-13 06:29
        class Foo {
            public function __construct() {
                $this->myArray = array('FooBar');
                $arrayName = 'myArray';
                echo $this->{$arrayName}[0];
        new Foo;

    This worked perfectly for me, it printed FooBar.

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